clear sky
Do you have spring fever? It’s no wonder. When spring comes, the air smells fresher, the birds sing, and the grass even seems greener. You can’t spend all your time outside, but you can bring spring into your apartments in San Mateo with these five fun and easy ways.
Make your own fresh potpourri to sweeten the scent of your apartment in San Mateo, California. Fill a saucepan with water. Add slices of fresh oranges. Next, add a few drops of vanilla essence, two or three bay leaves, and a sprig of fresh rosemary. Simmer on the stove and enjoy the scent! Add more water as necessary when it begins to boil away.
Gather together some old picture frames that are the same size. Use a glue gun to secure the glass into the frame. Form a square by attaching 5 of the frames. Make a visit to a local nursery to find a selection of fresh potted herbs. You can use the herbs in your kitchen cooking, or just to enjoy the way they look. Set your framed glass on top of your spring plants for a picture perfect spring terrarium!
Swap out your winter draperies with sheer curtains. The lighter fabric will allow spring light to enter your apartment while maintaining the privacy you crave. For the lightest look possible, hang the sheer curtains on café rods with round grommets. You’ll be able to easily open and close the curtains with the least effort. You can find sheer curtains online or try sewing some yourself.
Fresh spring fruits and vegetables are perfect for use in salads and smoothies. Visit your local farmers market for the freshest and tastiest selections that will keep you light on your feet with a spring in your step. Don’t forget to bring along your reusable shopping bag because some vendors might not have bags available to bring home your goodies.
Fresh spring flowers add spring color and fragrance to your apartment. Your local flower shop will have new selections to choose from, or your grocery store might have a fresh flower garden section. To make fresh flowers last longer, you can insert an aspirin into the vase water and trim the ends of the stem daily on an angle.
Spring is the best time to decorate your apartment. With all the freshness in the air, it’s easy to find ways to incorporate spring décor into your apartment home. Contact us to see all the floor plans available!