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We all seek a work life balance to experience the best of both worlds and priorities in our lives. A new way of doing this that’s being adapted in recent days is to work from home in your very own workspace. Prior to being a productive, home-based worker, you need to know what to consider when creating a home workspace. Regardless of whether your live in an apartment with only a few rooms or a spacious home, it is possible to create a home workspace in any environment. Here is how a home office space can be created keeping both function and form in mind:
Select and equip the best location.
Just because you can work from any location doesn’t always mean that you should. You must have your own dedicated space from which to operate. A spare bedroom makes for the best space. Use an outdoor area or garage if a completely separate space is required. Refrain from using your bed or dining room table for work unless absolutely necessary. Instead, clear out a closet to use as your hub. Products that can maximize functionality include wireless keyboard and mouse, rechargeable batteries and dual monitors. Whatever area you choose, be sure that it is somewhere you can channel your concentration and avoid outside distractions.
Automate the office.
Save yourself a few seconds each morning by selecting multiple tabs that open automatically when starting your browser. Task your computer with setting reminders for you when to get up, move around and take a break. Furnish your office stylishly. Pretty vases hold pens and pencils while woven baskets hold files. Add shelves to create further storage space.
Pick the view.
Ensure you orient your desk in the direction that will channel creativity while maximizing productivity. If you find yourself easily distracted by a pretty, picturesque scene out the window, try facing away. On the other hand, if looking at a wall causes you to lose concentration and determination, face outward. Apply these principles to your unique personality and what works for you.
Anticipate distractions.
When you have access to a well stocked kitchen down the hall, consider stocking a drawer in your desk for quick fix snack items. The less time spent outside the office, the more work can get done.
Think of the simplest solution first.
Check out second hand shops and reuse stores for filling up your office prior to buying and spending a ton of money on it. Your home workspace exists for you to make money and not spend it.